Thursday, July 28, 2011

RED Rockwall Construction. HAHA

Day 1 West Rockwall

Day 1 South Rockwall

Day 1 Job Site

Day 1 South Rockwall

Day 1 West Rockwall

Day 3 Backside West Rockwall

Day 3 Backside Rockwalls

Day 3 Backside Rockwalls

Day 3 North Rockwall

Day 3 North Rockwall

Day 3 West Rockwall

 Day 3 Backside West Rockwall

Day 3 Backside North Rockwall

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rockwall Footings

Soils Mechanics Density Testing 

Pouring Footings

Poured Footings

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Retaining Wall Footings #2

South Footings

East Footings

Southwest Corner Footings

West Footings

West Footings

Due to the city of El Paso's inconsistencies with Retaining Walls we are going to be required to take densities on the rockwall footings.  Soils Mechanics will be out taking a proctor sample either Friday or Monday.  It takes approximately 24-48 hours for the results.  Once results are in we will schedule with the city of El Paso for density testing. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Retaining Wall Footings

Silt Fence Installed


South Rockwall Footing

East Rockwall Footing

West Rockwall Footing

Friday, July 1, 2011

Here we go!!!

Backhoe Delivered

Clear and Grub

Setting Property Corners and Rockwalls